Environmental Policy
Supasweep Document Ref No: LJ 001
Document Title: Environmental Policy Revision No: V2
Date of Issue: 18/05/2023
Next Planned Review: 18/05/2024
Supasweep is committed to proactive environmental management at all levels, positively influencing customers and suppliers.
Supasweep maintain organisational structures, management systems, procedures and training plans to ensure, as a minimum, compliance with all relevant laws, regulations and standards.
Our vision is to continually improve the way we manage the environmental impacts of our operations during their entire life cycle, actively looking to reduce the negative impacts upon the environment whilst maximising our opportunities.
This policy confirms that Supasweep has a:
a) Commitment to manage its business aspects in a way that relates to their nature, scale and environmental impacts of our activities, products and services
b) Commitment to use this policy as a framework for setting environmental objectives
c) Commitment to the protection of the environment, including prevention of pollution and other specific commitments (E.g. climate change mitigation and adaptation, and protection of biodiversity and ecosystems) relevant to our activities, products and services
d) Commitment to fulfil its compliance obligations
e) Commitment to continual improvement and understanding our stakeholders expectations and requirements with regard to the environment
f) Commitment to engaging with the communities and organisations affected by our operations to understand their views and aspirations
g) Commitment to ensuring our employees and delivery partners have the competence to continually improve our environmental performance
h) Commitment to seek continuous improvement in the use of material resources
i) Commitment to manage and minimise waste through recovery, re-use and recycling in preference to disposal.
j) Commitment to conduct all our activities in a manner, which minimises and, where possible, prevent, potentially harmful releases to air, land and water.
k) Commitment to conduct Environmental Impact Assessments prior to the commencement of each new project.
l) Where possible, review the environmental performance of key suppliers and sub-contractors.
m) Conduct regular Internal Audits and Management Reviews to measure the effectiveness of the EMS and progress towards stated objectives and targets.
Supasweep management is totally committed to ensuring that this policy is understood, implemented and monitored throughout all areas of the organisation through a structured programme of training and review with emphasis on continual improvement and enhancement.
This Statement will be reviewed at least annually and/or when Legislation demands by the Director to ensure that we are meeting the needs of the business and the environment in which we work. It will be made available to the public and interested parties on request.
Stelios Theodoulou Director 18th May 2023